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Projects / Prices


These are just some of the projects I've done over the years. We take art requests, and will ship them to you as promptly as possible. We have a line of recycled art, and if you'd like art done on a certain object, just email us at and I will give you a shipping address. You will be expected to pay the shipping to and from the address. Shipping fees are not included in the initial price price of the artwork, and will be specified before the item is shipped. Payments will be made before the items are sent.

Prices on drawings:

6 by 10 = $15

8.5 by 11 = $25

11 by 14 = $30

22 by 28 = $50

24 by 36 = $60

36 by 48 = $75


Prices on Paintings:

5 by 7 = $10

8 by 10 = $15

9 by 12 = $20

11 by 14 = $30

12 by 24 = $40

16 by 20 = $50

18 by 24 = $60

20 by 24 = $75

24 by 30 = $90

24 by 36 = $100

30 by 40 = $150

48 by 60 = $200

48 by 72 = $300






This is a project I worked on for a Valentines Day fundraiser. This fundraiser was to raise money for kids in our class to go to Skills USA, a competition that prepares young adults for the workforce.

Valentines Day Card Design

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